Website planning and implementation

Website planning and implementation of website planning and implementation

A complete tool to help you build a more beautiful, high conversion rate website. .

Website planning and implementation

Provide a technical solution to improve the performance of your website on desktop and mobile devices. The site is automatically optimized for fast loading, which is critical to the overall performance of the site.

Website content building tips:

Building a good website, in addition to making the site look great and loading fast, the content of the site is very important, because even if you build the world's fastest, most fashionable, most beautiful website, if the text content is not Clear, incorrect, too complicated or poorly written, it is not a good thing for the website. How do you write great websites that are loved by readers? Tips for website construction: 1. Writing H1 text is very important. The H1 text on your website is very important. It’s not only the first text that visitors see when they visit your site, but also what Google sees when it reads your site. From a design point of view, the text in the H1 tag is much larger than the other text on the page, so be sure to ensure the text directly related to the content of the site and clearly state the content of the site. 2. A short text that accurately describes what visitors to the site need to know about. Micro-copy is a short text that guides users through your site. Micro-copy will prompt the user to perform certain operations. For example, the text on the button, read more and contact the form fields. It's very important to write clearly, because if users don't know what you want them to do, they get confused. We encourage you to stick to the text that accurately describes what the site visitors need to know. 3. The button description is as specific as possible. It seems that every other button reads “Start Now” or “Immediate Action”. If you can provide a more specific command for the user, boldly say what you mean, don’t be afraid to use verbs. . For example: Read more now Watch to learn more Contact us 4. Keep the paragraphs concise and clear We recommend that you keep short text on the website, even for paragraphs. For example, if you are explaining a service, describing a product, or writing a company history, you will have to write a few words. In all of these cases, we recommend using relatively short sentences to write relatively short paragraphs. If you have multiple paragraphs, use spaces to break down the text to make it easier to read. 5. Add text to the image settings Use clear descriptive text (as image properties, not on the screen) to support the great images on your site for Google to parse the images. This is very important for SEO and enables screen readers to read image content for visually impaired users. 6. Choosing the right font fonts has a huge impact on how people understand written text. Fancy fonts make the text look more complicated, simple fonts make the text more readable, and bold fonts are used as headings, they will be more Readable. 7. Adjusting your 404 page No one wants website visitors to access the 404 page. Although your customer link to the 404 page may not be of interest, redirecting the visitor to the correct location of the website is also an optimization of the website. 8. Make the most of the field descriptions If you have any type of contact form on your website, these blank fields require visitors to add their email address, phone number, etc. Don't leave these fields blank, because the visitor may not know what to write, but instead use the text that directs the visitor (such as a simulated email address or phone number) that visitors can use as a guide to fill out the form correctly. 9. Write relevant information short and many related websites have pages dedicated to the company team. Large companies may only have detailed descriptions of partners and founders; smaller companies may describe everyone in the company. Regardless of who you describe, please keep the description relatively short and relevant. 10. Properly Guide Messages If your customers have a contact form on their website, make sure that each of these fields brings valuable information. In other words, don't ask visitors about what the customer doesn't need. Including unnecessary fields wastes time for website visitors, but may prevent them from completing the form. 11. Use humor with caution... Humor can be a great conversion tool, but there is a good line between humor and everything else. If a site visitor is likely to find offensive, rude or inappropriate content, please remove it. 17. Keep industry terminology to a minimum and make the text easy to understand. You may use terminology in the office and when talking to colleagues, but we strongly recommend that you place it on the website. You don't know who will read your website, they probably won't be 100% familiar with your industry terminology. (especially for new customers...).
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