Mobile editing

Mobile editing

Edit and republish any website directly from your mobile device. Upload photos you take on your device, update phone numbers, change links, and more, build, edit, and publish anytime, anywhere.

Edit anywhere

Edit and republish any website directly from your mobile device. Upload photos taken on your device, update phone numbers, change links, and more.

Upload photos from your device

Is it more convenient to update the photo library and image sliders than the photos you just took on your phone? You can also add, sort, and edit images in the gallery.

Edit common widgets

Edit the most commonly used widgets, including text, image sliders, photo libraries, buttons, and more. Complete list of editable widgets

Build, edit, and publish anytime, anywhere

Access the full editor in a tablet-customized format, including site settings and statistics. Upload images from your device, tap to modify widgets, and more.

Designed for different devices

The mobile editor features easy-to-click buttons and intuitive workflows that make it easy to use. Tablet-specific tablet editors for touch are easy to edit to ensure that no other content is accidentally deleted

Mobile friendly dashboard

When you log in from your mobile device, you'll go directly to a new, mobile-friendly dashboard that shows all of your sites and allows you to search, preview, and edit them.

Add and remove widgets

The inline widget selector lets you easily add and remove widgets and show you where the widgets are placed.

Website backup

Create a site backup of the current site version before editing. You can restore this version at any time.

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